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Sound Choice Assistive Listening does not manufacture infrared receivers. However we can bundle receivers from a number of major manufacturers with our transmitters in order to create complete turn-key assistive listening systems. We can supply receivers from several different manufacturers at competitive prices. Please contact us for further information about the receivers available.

Many of our customers like the under-chin stethoscope style of the Sound Associates SA1521H (single channel) and SA1523 (selectable multichannel) infrared receivers pictured below.

Sound Associates stethoscope receiver-openSound Associates receiver bottom

The AudioLInk is another alternative in this format.

AudioLink II receiver

Also available are the pendant styles receivers pictured below. Units like these can be used either with walkman style headphones, earpieces or with inductive neck loops. Neck loops are used by wearers of T-coil equipped hearing aids so that the infrared transmission can be inductively coupled directly into the hearing aid.

Sound Associates SA-1502P shown with an earpiece attached. Headphones or inductive neck loops can also be supplied separately.

Sound Associates SA-1502P receiver

Sound Associates SA-625P shown with SA650NIL inductive neck loop for use with heaing aids. Neck loop sold spearately.

 Sound Associates SA-625P with inductive neck loopSA-625P receiver closeup photo

Listen Technologies LR-44IR Pendant Receiver. This can be connected to Listen's LA-166 Neck Loop (shown below) or to headphones sold by Sound Choice Assistive Listening.

Listen Technologies LR-44IR Pendant Receive

Listen Technologies LA-166 Neck Loop

A budget solution is the AudioLink pendant receiver for less demanding applications in smaller rooms or where lower audio output is acceptable. It can drive Neck Loops or headphones (ordered separately from the receiver pendant).

Sound Choice Assistive Listening, Inc.
498 Long Hill Road
Gillette, New Jersey 07933 USA
toll free: 877-896-5048
908-647-2650 fax: please call for fax number

Pennsylvania numbers: 215-230-8600 fax: please call for fax number
